Our programs are built for growth.

12-Week Sports Empowerment Program

The 12-Week Sports Empowerment Program is a dynamic 12-week sports program aimed at empowering young girls through athletics and is designed specifically for girls in 3rd through 5th grade. Leveling the Fields coaches come onsite to the elementary school and provide more than just sports training. Our program is designed to foster self-acceptance, positive body image, and good sportsmanship through our unique empowerment package.

Supplemental Rec Teams Initiative

The Supplemental Rec Teams Initiative aims to expand sports access to girls in rural schools not currently served by our programs. This initiative will partner with existing recreational leagues to provide essential resources such as scholarships and transportation, ensuring that every girl, regardless of location or financial situation, has the opportunity to participate in sports. By facilitating easier access to practices and games and offering financial assistance for league fees and equipment, LTF is dedicated to removing the logistical and economic hurdles that can hinder sports participation in rural areas.

Program will commence once funding is secured.

Elite Playmakers

The Elite Playmakers Program is a training initiative designed to support and develop high-potential young female athletes. This program focuses on helping participants gain access to travel teams and receive advanced sports training, including participation in sleep-away sports camps and specialized coaching sessions. The initiative emphasizes comprehensive support through scholarships, transportation, and equipment provision, ensuring that all girls, regardless of financial background, have the opportunity to excel. Additionally, the program incorporates a robust safety protocol, including thorough background checks for travel team host families, to ensure a secure and supportive environment. This program not only aims to elevate the athletic skills of the participants, but also fosters leadership qualities and life skills, preparing them for success both on and off the field.

Program will commence once funding is secured.

Community Sports Hub

The Community Sports Hub will be a dedicated section on the Leveling the Fields website. It will be designed to be a complete resource for community members and feature an extensive directory of local sports opportunities tailored for girls. Families will be able to search by zip code and sport, access information on transportation services, and explore financial aid options and scholarships for camps and special programs.

Program will commence once funding is secured.

Mentorship Program

The Girls' Mentorship Program is a dynamic initiative that pairs elementary school girls with high school mentors for a series of monthly events, such as movie and game nights. Designed to foster strong bonds and promote personal growth, this program emphasizes mental training, life skills development, and emotional well-being. By facilitating meaningful relationships between younger and older students, we commit to nurturing a new generation of confident, resilient, and emotionally intelligent young women.

Program will commence once funding is secured.

Summer Sports Enrichment Camps

The Summer Sports Enrichment Camps offer sports-focused summer camps for girls. The program includes two main components: a 2-hour sports focus enrichment that can be added to existing summer camps, and a comprehensive full-day sports camp run entirely by Leveling the Fields. Both options are designed to provide professional coaching in a variety of sports, from soccer to tennis, focusing on skill development, teamwork, and personal growth. The camps are accessible to all girls through paid and scholarship pathways, ensuring that financial barriers do not limit participation. These camps not only aim to improve sports skills, but also to introduce girls to new sports and foster self-confidence and camaraderie among participants, making each summer an opportunity for growth and fun.

Program will commence once funding is secured.

Teen Leagues

Teen Leagues are designed to keep high school students engaged in sports. The program addresses the drop in sports participation among girls around age 14 by offering programs beyond school teams, including casual play and pickup games. These activities provide a relaxed atmosphere where students can enjoy sports at different levels of competition. Optional co-ed teams may also be formed to accommodate more players. This approach continues our efforts to keep girls in sports for future success.

Program will commence once funding is secured.

Get Involved

Join a Committee

Join our Steering Committee, Events Committee, or Financial Committee, and help guide the program development and lend your expertise.

Become a Coach

We are looking for soccer and lacrosse coaches for our fall 2024 afterschool and 2024 summer programs.


Your donation helps support our programs, covering a range of items like coaching fees and equipment.